Space Educators' Handbook Jerry Woodfill (IA12) NASA JSC Houston, TX 77058 713-244-8357 The "Space Educators' Handbook" is a user/friendly Macintosh Hypercard 2.1 space encyclopedia consisting of 37 individual Hypercard software computer files which include many popular space education resources of the NASA wide teacher resource centers. Additionally, the software includes pictures and biographical information on every astronaut from the inception of NASA to present as well as all manned missions. Other files include an astronomy stack with images of the planets, their moons, and descriptive information regarding NASA planetary discoveries. A dozen advanced manned space studies are included on approaches to returning to the moon and journeying to Mars along with a program on use of in situ resources of the moon and artificial gravity concepts. For primary level students, a coloring book and three comics books provide educational science resources using space and aerospace themes. A space calendar including 365 days of aviation and space firsts with interactive documentation is included from NASA's public domain publications. Especially popular among students and users is the Science Fiction / Space Technology file which compares NASA Space Shuttle technology to Sci-Fi concepts in light of science and physical laws stated by Newton and Kepler. Loading Your Computer With the "Space Educators' Handbook" 1. Create a single folder called: "Space Educators' Handbook." 2. Using the "Select All" command under the "Edit" Menu, move all the files on each of the diskettes into the Space Educators Handbook folder. Do not create separate folders for each diskette. There are 37 files plus this "Read Me" file and the StuffIt Expander Program. 3. Assure that the application "Hypercard 2.0" (or "Hypercard 2.1") and its Home Card is resident in the computer. This version of the "Handbook" will not run with "Hypercard 1.2." 4. Each of the "Handbook" files is stuffed with the shareware application "StuffIt Lite." The files will not run until they are "unstuffed" or "expanded." The "StuffIt" expander program is among the files provided on the diskettes. Listed alphabetically, it is near the botton of the folder's list. The files must be expanded from within the expander program. They do not automatically expand by clicking them though the expander program is in the same folder. After loading all the files, click on the Expander program. The menu bar will display the "File" menu only next to the Apple icon at the upper left of the screen. Click open the File menu and select the item "Expand." The "Expand" window will appear on the screen. Using the standard methods employed by the window, locate the Space Educators Handbook folder and the 37 files to be expanded. Click on the first or any of the files, then click "Expand," and the file will be expanded. After the first file is expanded, click once more on the "File" menu item "Expand" and the subsequent folder file will be highlighted. Simply click "Expand" and it, too, will be expanded. Repeat the process until all 37 files are expanded. 5. Quit the "Expand" program and click on any of the expanded files. A good place to start is the "HOME CARD" stack although any of the stacks can be opened by clicking on them. 6. Sometimes difficulty may be encountered if both Hypercard 2.1 as well as Hypercard 1.2 are resident in the computer. If problems are encountered, temporarily remove the Hypercard 1.2 application, saving it on a spare diskette. 7. If problems persist, call me at 713-244-8357. Using the "Space Educators' Handbook" The "Handbook" has 37 files called HyperCard Stacks that may be downloaded and used independently. However, one HOME CARD connects all the stacks into an integrated group of stacks. Also, individual stacks have buttons which link to other stacks. For example, Astronaut Stack cards have mission buttons beneath each astronaut's photo. Clicking on a mission button links to a mission card in either the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, or Shuttle Mission stacks. If the "linked to" stack is not present, Hypercard displays the message "Where is the (missing stack)?" Simply click "Cancel" and continue. All the stacks are public domain and may be freely copied/distributed without prior permission though they are not to be sold commercially. The stacks are locked and can not be altered except for the Calendar Planner stack which links to the three "Days of Air and Space" stacks. Here is a list of all the "Space Educators' Handbook" stacks along with a brief summary of each stack's contents: "Space Educators' Handbook" HyperCard Stacks 1. Air/Space Flight History - Features NASA histories of aviation and space flight operated from a stack home card, clicking on a date-time-line opens to area of historic interest 2. Apollo 13 Hyper-Comic - Three comics accessed from the stack home card: The Apollo Thirteen Rescue, The Wright Brothers, and The Story of Charles Lindbergh 3. Apollo Missions Stack - Features Apollo and Soyuz Missions with mission patches and other mission data...interactive with the Astronauts/Stack 4. Astronauts/Stack - Contains picture of every American astronaut since the inception of the American space program with pop-up fields containing their official NASA public affairs biographies...also lists beneath each astronaut picture missions flown...which link to mission stacks by clicking on the mission names 5. Brief-Responses - More than two hundred short paragraphs concerning space exploration and its various facets...good materials for anecdotes, quotes, speeches, etc. 6. Cartoons/Graphs/Sketches - Space Clip Art which can be cut and pasted into other Macintosh programs 7. Coloring Book - A HyperCard adaptation of the NASA Space Coloring Book with hidden narrative fields opened by clicking on each picture's explanation button 8. Days of Air & Space 1 - This stack and the two which follow comprise a huge space history data base. Each card depicts aviation and astronautics history with photos and sketches. Multiple hidden fields throughout the three stacks relate narratives of "firsts" in air and space... altogether the three stacks comprising the interactive calendar comprise nearly 2.4 megabytes after expanding..the first stack of the three contains the first four months of the year and the Days of Air and Space home card, a card displaying the year's 365 days organized in monthly columns with each day of the month a button linking to a "day card" in one of the three stacks 9. Days of Air & Space 2 - Same as above but containing middle four months of the year. 10. Days of Air & Space 3 - Same as above but containing the last four months of the year 11. Education Stack - Many topics from the NASA Teacher Resource Centers adapted to the HyperCard format...included is "How a Rocket Works," "Space Biology," "Toys in Space," and others...also contains a stack home card which accesses space education topics 12. Gemini Mission Stack - Like the Apollo Mission Stack only features Gemini Program 13. HOME CARD - The home card of the entire "Space Educators' Handbook" which connects all stacks into an integrated interactive is different from the HyperCard Application home stack which is titled "Home" by the HyperCard Application 14. Hubble Space Telescope - A stack which summarizes the Hubble Space Telescope for educators...contains graphics 15. Hyper-Space Mathematics - A HyperCard adaptation of the popular NASA text: SPACE MATHEMATICS which features example problems used by the space program in math disciplines such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, and others 16. Hyper-Spinoff 1992 - A HyperCard adaptation of the most recent copy of the popular annual NASA publication "Spinoff" which features beneficial products and technologies indirectly resulting from funds spent on NASA research...benefits are described in medical technology and other disciplines 17. Instruction Stack - A stack describing features of the "Space Educators' Handbook" and a "button flow diagram" schematically portraying the organization of the program's links and stacks with operating buttons to explore interactively how the "Handbook" is organized 18. Manned Planetary Spacecraft - Originally planned as a reference of types of advanced manned spacecraft, the stack evolved into a collection of studies done for NASA over the past thirty years on manned exploration of the solar system including return to the Moon, landing on Mars, flying by Venus and Mars...among the studies is a paper with graphics on using the Moon's resources in situ for space exploration...among the twelve studies is the informative "90 Day Study" which initiated the recent Space Exploration Initiative of NASA...many sketches and images of advanced space vehicles and structures are included in the studies 19. Mercury Mission Stack - Same as Apollo Missions Stack only featuring the Mercury Program 20. Mission Home Card - A home card connecting the various manned mission stacks 21. NASA Pocket Statistics Stack - A HyperCard adaptation of NASA document listing thousands of statistics about space exploration in summary fashion 22. Note Book Date 1993 1 - A planner stack linked to the cards of the Days of Air and Space stacks...a button on each Days of Air and Space card links to a corresponding planner day card in 1993...the stack is open so information can be entered via the keyboard for use as a computer pocket planner 23. Quotes - A stack containing more than 60 quotes about space exploration by famous historic people 24. Reference Stack - A general bibliography of the "Space Educators' Handbook"...individual stacks have additional bibliographies of resources used to author the individual stacks 25. Skylab Mission Stack - Like the Apollo Missions Stack only featuring Skylab missions 26. Solar System - A stack showing images of the planets their satellites and other solar system feature... works interactively with each planet having its own home card with "How Discovered," "Facts," and "Satellite" buttons...stack includes considerable narrative regarding the imaged bodies...a stack home card links all the images and information...among the most popular of the thirty- seven stacks 27. Space Knowledge - A stack featuring the world's space hardware, launchers, programs, and systems...information about the basics of space technology...a topic icon card links to subjects which include mass property determination calculations, and other resource material useful to space system engineers...great for aerospace employees, high school, university, and other users 28. Space Museums/Exhibits - A stack which serves as a resource for the State/Stack...provides cards listing locations, phone, etc., of U.S. space exhibit facilities 29. Space Social Science - HyperCard adaptation of the NASA text which delved into the impact of the space program on various social science disciplines...economics, philosophy, sociology, international law, and many others...index to each topic has course study plans with recommended texts and projects...excellant for high school and university educators 30. Spacecraft in Sci-Fi (1) - Perhaps, the most popular stack of the "Handbook" of historic sci-fi images with discussion of technical oversights...great space technology teaching resource...enjoyed by grade school students and adults alike 31. State/Benefits/Stack - A map of the United States...each state is a button linking to a state card in the State/Stack...both State/Benefits/Stack and State/Stack should be used together 32. State/Inspiration/Response - A stack of state cards describing state history as related to space exploration...should be used with State/Benefits/Stack and State/Stack 33. State/Narrative/Response - Information regarding how space exploration benefited the respective state...should be used with State/Benefits/Stack and State/Stack 34. State/Stack - State cards which links to specific state information in other state stacks...state/stack cards have buttons linking to the state's astronauts, museums, and other state data...required for running the state related stacks 35. State/Statistical/Response - Data regarding impact of space exploration on respective state...use with other state stacks 36. STS Mission Stack - Same as the Apollo Missions stack only featuring STS missions 37. To Be Determined - A one card stack created to tell users that requested information is not yet in the "Space Educators' Handbook" Note from the Author/Creator "I appreciate your interest in the "Space Educators' Handbook." In the latter months of 1989, I began work on the program which took more than 4,000 hours to complete. My purpose was to create a no cost source of space exploration information which would be easy to use by people of all ages and levels of computer familiarity. For this reason, I chose HyperCard and granted users the freedom to copy any or all of the stacks without prior permission from myself or NASA." "Prior to April of 1993, the primary means of distributing the program was through replicating diskettes. At this time (April 1993), I have copied and distributed more than 950 sets (six 3.5" HD's each) to users. Because the program is public domain, these represent a small fraction of the total number in hard drives and diskettes around the United States . The only restriction is that the stacks not be commercially sold other than reimbursement for replication and diskette cost." "The program has been most popular among educators at all levels (grade school through graduate studies) though a good percentage of copies are provided to users in the aerospace industry (commercial and government). If you enjoy using the program and find it helpful, I would greatly appreciate comments in a letter or note sent to: Jerry Woodfill, IA12, NASA JSC, Houston, TX 77058 or you may send your comments via Internet to my Internet address which is WOODFILL@GIOTTO.JSC.NASA.GOV. This will help me to update, improve, and supply copies to users. Please mention how you have used or intend to use the program or of what benefit it has been to you. Thank you in advance for anything you do in this regard." Jerry Woodfill The "Space Educators' Handbook" is provided by NASA JSC, New Initiatives Office (IA12), Attn: Jerry Woodfill, Houston, TX 77058 at no cost to users who provide six high density 3.5" formatted diskettes with a cover letter requesting the software. The "Handbook's" official publication designation is OMB / NASA Report Number S677. It was created by Jerry Woodfill and has been formally reviewed and approved by NASA JSC documentation services as well as JSC educational services as a JSC publication. (Note: The program will not work on a PC but only on Apple Macintosh computers.)